יום שישי, 19 במרץ 2010


This Shabbat, we'll start reading a new Book . Vayikra deals apparently with issues that aren't part of our everyday life:

"Sacrifices" aren't anymore the way we try to establish a relationship with G-d, the Absolute Other. Maimonides (12th Century) already knew that and considered them even as a "compromise", adequate and relevant in a period when people considered this as THE only valid option of Worship.

Does that mean that we have better alternatives, like prayer, study, philosophical contemplation, compassion for deprived members of society and "tikun olam", more appropriate for our generation?

Do we have to live constantly with the sensation of loss and hope for revival and restoration of "more authentic patterns"?

Or, maybe we haven't found the way yet to translate the essence into more understandable and relevant categories?
Shabbat Shalom to all,

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